12 Sep 2014 Typically, an R Markdown file will use R code to load a file from your disk, that encodes the data, and produces a link to enable downloading
RMarkdown tools for creating self-guided web exercises - PsyTeachR/webex I use Rstudio to start the file and work with R code chucks. For the remaining, however, I use Sublime text or Atom. This is mainly because the lack of distraction free function in Rstudio. From 2012, a group of people including Jeff Atwood and John MacFarlane launched what Atwood characterized as a standardization effort. A community website now aims to "document various tools and resources available to document authors and… Professors across the country are scrambling to tidy up their syllabi. But how to best share them with students? I’ll be publishing my “Digital Storytelling and Social Media” syllabus on … An R packge to add and link to a glossary in Rmarkdown-based websites - zachary-foster/glossary
R Markdown example showing figures & tables with captions, equations, inline R values and references with a Zotero library - bbest/rmarkdown-example Example blog with RStudio, RMarkdown and Jekyll. Contribute to project-spinoza/rblog development by creating an account on GitHub. Generate table of content for IOslides in Rstudio. Contribute to ShKlinkenberg/TOC-for-IOslides-in-Rmarkdown development by creating an account on GitHub. An R package to format RMarkdown outputs with the Southampton University thesis template. - dr-harper/sotonthesis RMarkdown tools for creating self-guided web exercises - PsyTeachR/webex
A template for bootstrapping reproducible RMarkdown documents for data journalistic purposes. - grssnbchr/rddj-template Material para curso de rmarkdown ministrado no ICT-Unifesp como complemento da disciplina Simulação de Sistemas. - ricoms/curso_Rmarkdown setDownloadURI = function(list, filename = stop("'filename' must be specified"), textHTML = "Click here to download the data.", fileext = "RData", envir = parent.frame()) require(base64enc,quietly = TRUE) divname = paste(sample(Letters… Download the file at the link above and open FabioRMarkdownGuide.doc inside to get started. Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). An R script which allows you to quickly produce a report from a (suitable) RMarkdown file - wikiselev/easy-Report Libro Bookdown - Curso básico sobre R, Rstudio y RMarkdown - frahik/DiplomadoR
Data Science for Linguists: Programming assignments (Spring 2018) - jvcasillas/datasci_assignments Summary What does this package do? (explain in 50 words or less): nlrx enables you to run agent-based models in NetLogo from R. This makes it possible to design reproducible experiments (which can be zipped with nlrx and shared between p. Interactive Visualizations with RStudio Workshop for UNCC DSI - wesslen/iviz-rstudio-workshop old personal web site and blog. Contribute to SCgeeker/SCgeeker.oldsite development by creating an account on GitHub. ME414 Introduction to Data Science and Big Data Analytics 2017 - LSE-Methods-Summer-Programme/ME414 R Api wrapper for blogging platform ghost. Contribute to good-marketing/RGhost development by creating an account on GitHub. Undigestible, insoluble food particles, such as wheat bran, are important dietary constituents that serve as a fermentation substrate for the human gut microbiota. The first step in wheat bran fermentation involves the poorly studied…
Easily insert emoji into R and RMarkdown. Contribute to hadley/emo development by creating an account on GitHub.